Seminars, Workshops, & Training

Investing in Educational Advancement

Dengan seminar, workshop, maupun pelatihan dari Paideia, secara kolaboratif kami akan 
membantu institusi pendidikan Anda untuk berkembang dan maju.

Advancing Education through
Seminars, Workshops, & Training

We provide a range of seminars, workshops, and training designed to provide new insights and skills to educators, educational staff, and education stakeholders.


Needs Assessment

Assessing and planning training according to the institution's

Design & Preparation

Creating a program and preparing relevant materials.


Conducting seminars, workshops, and training with trainers and facilitators.

Evaluation and Feedback

Measuring the effectiveness of training and planning for future improvements.


Improvement in the quality of
teaching and learning

Empowerment of staff with new
skills and in-depth understanding.

Enhancement of students'
academic outcomes.

Meeting the demands of
ever-changing educational developments.